Types Of Pain You Shouldn't Try To Treat At Home

There can be several types of pain –a nagging backache, pain accompanied by flu-like symptoms, pain in your arm and pain with unexplained bloating. Not all of these pains can be treated by popping a pain killer. Not often do we give it enough thought and take pain killers when the pain starts to cause us discomfort. Pain, sometimes, can be a strong signal that your body is trying to send you. Popping a pain killer isn’t the answer. So, you should not try to treat them at home.

Pain accompanied by Fever

You shouldn’t take pain killer for pain accompanied by fever, fatigue and red-hot-swollen joints. These could be warning signs of a medical condition that needs you to see a doctor. Ignoring it persistently can lead to health complications. Joint pain is an indicator of rheumatoid arthritis which can be chronic. It can also be because of systemic inflammatory disorder that may result in deformed joints and lead to loss of joint and muscle function.

Left Arm Pain

Heavy lifting can be one of the reasons for pain in arms. Pain in the left arm, when accompanied by feelings of tightness and discomfort in the chest, should not be taken lightly. It could be Angina Pectoris, a symptom of reduced blood flow to the heart as in coronary artery disease.

Pain in the Calves

You shouldn’t deal with cramping in calf muscles (without any strenuous physical activity) with a painkiller. The underlying cause is serious when there are discoloration and temperature reduction of skin. Arterial insufficiency or blockage in blood supply to an organ can be the reason for pain in the calves.

Severe Pain that Worsens at Night

If you have been experiencing deep, severe pain anywhere in the body that worsens at night, it can mean something serious. If pain at night is accompanied by anemia, unexplained fractures, trivial falls, frequent infections, and fatigue, there could be a type of bone cancer.

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